1. https://github.com/executablebooks/markdown-it-py
  2. https://github.com/kulovecc/nickname_generator Carga JSON, Randomize
  3. https://github.com/streamlit/example-app-pdf-report
  4. https://github.com/ETA444/datacamp-learning Funciona en linea de comandos, Reune archivos MD en JSON
  5. https://github.com/MiczFlor/quicz-means-quiz-markdown QUICZ format
  6. https://github.com/osandadeshan/markdown-quiz-generator Quiz online e Instalación
  7. https://github.com/wlifferth/markdownQuiz correctMessages
  8. https://github.com/mrcoles/readmd MD mas legible para humanos
  9. https://github.com/gandreadis/markdown-word-count#-usage
  10. https://github.com/njvack/markdown-to-json
  11. https://github.com/rasbt/markdown-toclify


  1. Text styling - fpdf2
  2. GitHub - digidigital/Extensions-and-Scripts-for-pyFPDF-fpdf2: This repository contains some of the original FPDF PHP scripts that were ported to Python to be used in conjunction with fpdf2.
  3. pyfpdf/examples/form.py at master · jobsta/pyfpdf
  4. Resume_fpdf/main.py at master · Sally-Manasrah/Resume_fpdf
  5. App4-generate-pdf-from-excel/main.py at master · welly-s/App4-generate-pdf-from-excel
  6. fpdf_gen_covid_screening/README.md at master · kang-david/fpdf_gen_covid_screening Rezise image
  7. python-FPDF-multicell-table/text_wraping_multicell.py at fpdf_multicell_table · Riteshpcs1994/python-FPDF-multicell-table
  8. Birthday-WishCraft/src/main.py at main · geekyharsh05/Birthday-WishCraft SETUP
  9. convert_JPG_to_PDF/convert.py at main · WeylinSu/convert_JPG_to_PDF


People-Data-Analyzer/Analysis PDF's/temp/numberPerGroupAge.png at main · AriiiAlves/People-Data-Analyzer


  1. recipe-randomizer/server.py at master · alfredzhuang/recipe-randomizer


  1. jestoy0514/inventory: A simple inventory management software.
  2. Nipun4338/mynotebook: A python daily notebook using face recognition.
  3. fpdf-data-from-to-pdf/gui.py at main · eljimmo/fpdf-data-from-to-pdf
  4. OCR_Img_to_Text/OCR.py at main · Jayd555/OCR_Img_to_Text
  5. rishimule/Database-Management-System-Using-Tkinter: This a database application made using python modules and libraries like Tkinter, Pandas, Sqlite3, Csv, Fpdf.
  6. umair2607/Kamal-Iron: Python gui based application for customer records managment using tkinter and pandas.


  1. FPDF-Splitter/main2.pyw at master · etherwar/FPDF-Splitter

Si desea utilizar su propio fondo de certificado, le sugerimos un tamaño de imagen de 3500 px x 2400 px para garantizar la mayor calidad posible.

BLANK_LINE = re.compile(r'(^[ \t\v\f]*\n)+', re.M)

patterns = {
'blank_line': r'(^[ \t\v\f]*\n)+',
'ref_link': r'^ {0,3}\[(?P<reflink_1>' + LINK_LABEL + r')\]:',
'reference-def' :  r'(\ ?\ ?\ ?)\[([^\]]*)\]:\s*([^ ]*)(.*)',
'ul':              r'[ ]{0,3}[*+-]\s+(.*)', # "* text"

key = re.compile("^%s$" % pattern, re.DOTALL)

  # Search headings in docment
        pattern_hash = "^#+?[^#]"
        pattern_h1_h2_equal_dash = "^.*?(?:(?:\r\n)|\n|\r)(?:-+|=+)$"
        pattern_heading = "%s|%s" % (pattern_h1_h2_equal_dash, pattern_hash)
        headings = self.view.find_all(pattern_heading)


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